At home with the architects… meet Lucy Ferris

At home with the architects… meet Lucy Ferris

One of the greatest strengths of our pan-European architectural practice, is the diversity within the team. Home to 12 different nationalities, each one of our colleagues brings something to the table – and deserves their moment in the spotlight.

That’s why, this month, we’re getting to know a little bit more about our newest intern, Lucy Ferris – as well as what makes her tick.  

Summarise your role at Reid Brewin Architects in one paragraph:

I am completing a six-month marketing internship as part of my third-year degree studies of French and Italian Language and Culture at Durham University, England. My responsibilities include translating company brochures, website information, and details of future projects into French, English, and Italian, where required. I am also creating and updating professional CVs for some of my colleagues to use in proposals for prospective RBA clients.

How do you think Reid Brewin Architects differentiates itself from its competitors?

Since joining the company, the element of RBA that I have found most striking is its unwavering commitment to being more sustainable. This can be seen both with environmental measures taken in the office itself and within projects, such as the choice of more environmentally sustainable materials, or project locations. For me, this conscious decision to be more ‘green’ really sets the company apart from its competitors.

What would you like to achieve over the next 12 months – at Reid Brewin Architects and individually?

RBA allows me to simultaneously achieve my goals professionally and individually, as my primary goal is to improve my fluency in French. Another target is to discover more about sustainable architecture, and how I can start to recognise this within the built environment. I would also like to integrate within the French culture and world of work, to gain valuable experience as well as grow my personal and professional network, internationally.

What three words do you think best describe Reid Brewin Architects?

Multicultural, knowledgeable, and sustainable.

Personally, I love the interaction in many different languages around the office – I would love to see more communication between colleagues so they can al benefit from being a part of such a multicultural company.

If one of your colleagues could win an award (work or ‘fun’) who would it be and why?

Since I joined the team at the start of the month, everyone has been really helpful and welcoming. Although I haven’t been part of the company for long, I would present an award to architect, Mona Gaber, for her kindness and support since my first day.

If you were the boss of Reid Brewin Architects for a day, what one rule would you implement?

As RBA is such a multicultural office, I would celebrate this asset and organise a company-wide lunch, once a month. I would perhaps also rotate the chosen cuisine each month to reflect the different cultures within the office. This could facilitate even more interaction between my colleagues and generate an informal opportunity to learn more about each other.

Share an interesting fact about you that not many people know

I love physical challenge — last summer I completed a 50-mile ultra race with a 10,000ft ascension across the mountains in the Lake District, England. I raced continuously, throughout the day and overnight, and I can’t wait to do it again in the future!

It’s the work Christmas party and you’re next up on karaoke – what’s your song?

My song of choice would have to be Queen – probably the full six-minute version of Bohemian Rhapsody!

How do you switch off while away from your desk?

I love to read — preferably curled up at home with my cat and a good book. In the UK, if I’m feeling more energetic, you can often find me rowing on the river in Durham with my fellow crewmates.

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Clotilde Coudray

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