Behind the designs… fire protection, sunsets, and champagne

Behind the designs… fire protection, sunsets, and champagne

As Q1 of 2021 comes to an end, we’ve had quite the start to the year at Reid Brewin Architects. Although most of our colleagues across the London and Paris studios rounded off 12 months of home-working this month, we have plenty to be proud of.

From CPD sessions to virtual social events, we’ve done our best to keep in touch – and here is a handful of our highlights.

Reid Brewin Architects - data centre parisSunsets over Paris

Despite Europe remaining in a state of lockdown, we have still managed to make a few site visits to check on the progress of projects around the continent.

As work continues on this data centre just outside of Paris, project manager Pierre Caraud managed to snap a beautiful picture of the sunset over the city.

Passive fire protection with Promat

As part of our ongoing CPD sessions, we spent an hour learning about passive fire protection and high-performance insulation with Promat in February.

The seminar, which was attended by much of the RBA team, looked at best practice when it comes to containing – or slowing the spread of – fires by creating ‘compartments’ using fire-resistant walls, floors, and doors.

Hosts David Hillier and Joshua Slack outlined some of the regulatory and legislative requirements involved in the design and build process, as well as third-party accreditations to look for when selecting contractors and installers.

Construction site view goals

We enlisted the services of our trusted photographer, Jérôme Epaillard of Epaillard + Machado to take some more snaps of this ongoing construction site in Paris – and we’re pretty impressed with the results.

Huge kudos to Vittoria Molinaro for her hard work on this data centre project too, we can’t wait to see the finished product!


Celebrating as a team with Teams

Like many of our peers, we’ve come to rely on video conferencing software a heck of a lot over the past year, but it was nice to put it to a more sociable use last month – as we celebrated being placed at number 50 in the Ranking of Architectural Agencies.

We climbed a whopping 152 places in the official listing, so we thought it was only right to crack open the bubbly and have a get together.

Reid Brewin Architects - architectes video call


Speaking of bubbles…

We must give a ‘shout out’ to Myriam Belin – who worked incredibly hard on a recent office and data centre renovation project. We were so impressed with everything she did, we bought a bottle of bubbly to say ‘thanks’.

In the words of the client; “Bravo pour l’architecture du bâtiment. C’est vraiment magnifique.” Or, in English: “Well done for the architecture of the building. It’s really beautiful.”

And finally…

We love this snap of Sophie Doolin, Gabriella Casoria, Myriam Belin, and Andrea Fabbrizi ‘on location’ in Paris last week. It was great to visit another one of our ‘works in progress’ – and feel the sun on our faces, too!

Keep up to date with life at Reid Brewin Architects, by following us on LinkedIn.

Reid Brewin Architects - team on site


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