At home with the architects… meet Clotilde Coudray

RBA Staff photo

At home with the architects… meet Clotilde Coudray

With 12 different nationalities in our midst, the Reid Brewin Architects (RBA) HQ is a hotbed of ideas, inspiration, and enthusiasm. And, we thought it was high time each of our colleagues were given their moment in the spotlight.

This week, we’re getting to know Clotilde Coudray, our admin and marketing assistant. Having joined the team in 2018, the French native also speaks English and a spot of Romanian – and keeps the cogs of communications turning from our London outpost.

Good morning Clotilde, first things first, tell us a little bit about your role at Reid Brewin Architects:

Under the ‘admin’ remit, I take care of all RBA’s bookkeeping and other financial management, while also overseeing the smooth day-to-day running of the London studio and maintaining the office portfolio. On the marketing-side, I work with the department’s manager to ensure our website remains up to date, and also help with the collation of sales and marketing material.

How do you think Reid Brewin Architects differentiates itself from its competitors?

Its multiculturality and open-mindedness is most prominent, but our team is also genuinely expert in niche sectors of architecture and design – such as data centres, retail, science, and technology.

What would you like to achieve over the next 12 months – at Reid Brewin Architects and individually?

I would like to continue with my personal and professional development, while learning new skills across a variety of fields.

What three words do you think best describe Reid Brewin Architects?

Multicultural, growth, great atmosphere. Okay, that’s four!

What would you like to see change in the working environment?

An end to the Covid-19 restrictions – I miss my colleagues and gathering around a desk to share ideas.

If one of your colleagues could win an award (work or ‘fun’) who would it be and why?

This is a tough one, I’ll have to nominate two and leave it to the team to pick a winner… I’d vote for our project architect, Mátyás Szalay, for his memes and also our engineer, architect and project manager Charles-Emile Perchaud for the constant stream of jokes within his emails!

If you were the boss for a day, what one rule would you implement?

Organising a team building activity – which involves skydiving.

Share an interesting fact about you that not many people know

I have Irish roots, although you would never guess from my accent!

It’s the work Christmas party and you’re next up on karaoke – what’s your song?

Supertramp’s ‘Take the long way home’.

How do you switch off while away from your desk?

Swimming, reading and exploring London.

Connect with Clotilde on LinkedIn.

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