Behind the designs… back to school, sunsets, and virtual reality

Laying the foundations - RBA

Behind the designs… back to school, sunsets, and virtual reality

As February comes to end and the beginning signs of spring start to emerge, the RBA team has had a busy start to 2022. While many of our colleagues — in both the London and Paris branches — are embracing the hybrid work model, there’s been plenty of architectural activity happening on the ground over the past few weeks.

From CPD sessions to virtual reality, here’s a handful of our February highlights.

An architectural Instagram feed

Our colleague, architect Alline Kane has launched a design-themed Instagram page to spotlight the many inspiring buildings and structures she passes on her Parisian travels.

Earlier this month, she captured the Eiffel Tower illuminated in all its glory. Follow Alline’s page to see which important landmark she focuses on next.

Solar shading with Dales

As part of our ongoing CPD sessions, we spent an hour learning about solar shading with Dales in February.

The seminar, which was attended by much of the RBA team, looked at the various functions of brise soleil (solar shading) to aid building design — as well as design considerations that should be applied during the project realisation stage, to ensure functionality and integration into the overall structure.

Laying the foundations

We captured these shots while visiting our new data centre project to the south of Paris and are very much looking forward to seeing the site develop over the coming weeks.

More virtual reality

We witnessed cutting edge technology meeting design as two of our Paris-based architects, Alexis Lam and Romain Garcia-Urgon, were seen utilising a virtual reality headset to aid the planning of a client project.

Watch this space to see how the development takes shape.

Sunset over Paris

The State de Paris was visible from the rooftop of one our data center developments in Paris — not a bad view.

Keep up to date with life at Reid Brewin Architects, by following us on LinkedIn.

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