At home with the architects… meet Adrian Brewin

At home with the architects… meet Adrian Brewin

We’re rather proud of the team here at Reid Brewin Architects (RBA), because they’re the people who continue to drive our multicultural practice forwards. Made up of 12 different nationalities – some of whom have been with us for years, and others just few short months – each one of our colleagues deserves their moment in the spotlight.

This month, we’re getting to know joint founder, Adrian Brewin, and finding out a little more about his role, what he loves most about it, and why RBA is a great place to work. Our dual-nationality director is based in our Parisian office, and speaks English and French, with bits of Spanish, Italian and German thrown in for good measure… So, without further ado:

Hello Adrian, we’re starting this blog series with one of RBA’s creators… so, tell us a little bit more about what you do at HQ.

As the co-founding director of RBA in London and Paris, myself and fellow founder Alex Reid bring all aspects of the offices together, probably do too much managing in general, and are known to be hands-on with individual projects.

How do you think Reid Brewin Architects differentiates itself from its competitors?

RBA is quite anglophone for a French practice, primarily due to the multi-national nature of the business, while the origins of the directors help to put global clients at ease. Our British roots also mean we are proactive, flexible and aim to please in a bid to ensure relationships continue to flourish.

What would you like to achieve over the next 12 months – at Reid Brewin Architects and individually?

We’re aiming to continue our exponential growth – both in London and Paris – but we’re also hoping to have made a start in establishing a presence in Milan, Italy by this time next year!

What three words do you think best describe Reid Brewin Architects?

Flexible, reliable, and professional.

What would you like to see change in the working environment?

More creativity, suggestions, and animation from staff.

If one of your colleagues could win an award (work or ‘fun’) who would it be and why?

There are several people that could win awards for different aspects of their job but it’s difficult to name only one! However, I’d like to take this opportunity to invite my colleagues to let me judge the awards for ‘best cake’…

If you were the boss of Reid Brewin Architects for a day, what one rule would you implement?

A weekly fruit basket delivery – which we should do anyway, really.

Share an interesting fact about you that not many people know

I practice doing bicycle wheelies a couple of times each week!

It’s the work Christmas party and you’re next up on karaoke – what’s your song?

Oasis, Wonderwall.

How do you switch off while away from your desk?

Running and cycling – with the Oasis ‘Time Flies…’ album providing the soundtrack!

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