At home with the architects… meet Antonio Dazzo

At home with the architects… meet Antonio Dazzo

One of the greatest strengths of our pan-European architectural practice, is the diversity within the team. Home to 17 different nationalities, each one of our colleagues brings something to the table – and deserves their moment in the spotlight.

That’s why, this month, we’re getting to know a little bit more about associate and project lead, Antonio Dazzo – as well as what makes him tick.

  1. Summarise your role at Reid Brewin Architects in one paragraph:

As an associate and project lead — based in our London office — I work on various developments across the data center sector.

  1. How do you think Reid Brewin Architects differentiates itself from its competitors?

Our expertise, knowledge, experience, and proven track record among the industries we work in.

  1. What would you like to achieve over the next 12 months at Reid Brewin Architects?

To help our London office continue to thrive and build our reputation throughout the UK.

  1. What three words do you think best describe Reid Brewin Architects?

Dynamic, efficient, and tech-savvy.

  1. What would you like to see change in the working environment?

Fewer virtual meetings. Since the beginning of the pandemic, it’s become too easy to organise meetings — and meetings about meetings!

  1. Share an interesting fact about you that not many people know.

My family are from a small village that sits on a mountain in Sicily.

  1. It’s the work Christmas party and you’re next up on karaoke – what’s your song?

I’m not a huge karaoke fan, but it would be Champagne Supernova by Oasis — the only song I’ve performed on my own!

  1. How do you switch off while away from your desk?

Dining out, travelling, or playing football.

Connect with Antonio on LinkedIn.

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