Why the environment matters to me…


Why the environment matters to me…

This month, our co-founder Adrian Brewin took part in industrial waste shredder specialist, UNTHA UK’s environmental Q&A to talk about all-things-sustainability.

In case you missed the original article, you can catch up below.

Where do you fit into the environmental sector?

At RBA, we specialise in data centres, laboratories, and scientific research buildings, as well as offices and retail. The juxtaposition between building a sustainable future and sustainable buildings fit-for-the-future is certainly not lost on us. What’s important, is that we all strive to offset the impact that development and improvements to where we live and work might have.

Complete the sentence – the UK is great at recycling…

…because of individual efforts to adhere to the rules for different-coloured bins.

Which sector do you think could achieve significant environmental progress this year?

Commercial property — by reducing the energy consumption of buildings.

What do you wish you’d known about the environment, as a child?  

How precious the world’s oceans are.

What’s the single biggest threat to the environment, in your opinion? 

Deforestation — and politicians!

Share one tip to help people be ‘greener’, at work or at home:

Bring your own vegetarian lunch to work and take home your recycling and compost.

Tell us an environmental statistic that you think people need to know:

One flight is the equivalent to 13 train rides in terms of energy consumption.

What’s the best thing you’ve ever reused/upcycled?  

A dining room table made from old English Oak wall panels.

If you were prime minister for the day, what’s the one thing you’d do to improve the UK’s sustainability agenda?

Regulatory shifts that force change more quickly and means tested grants for insulation in homes, changing windows, and installing solar panels.

Complete the sentence – in 100 years’ time, I hope…

…that the world has no borders.

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