The return of the humble houseplant

Houseplant appreciation day - Reid Brewin Architects

The return of the humble houseplant

There’s no denying that the modest houseplant has bloomed in popularity in recent years. From the low maintenance succulent, and easy-going cactus, to the temperamental Swiss cheese plant and tropical orchids, more people are opting to brighten up homes, schools, and workspaces with assorted green species.

But did you know that indoor plants can bring more to the plate than aesthetics? The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) recently published an article suggesting that plants can have multiple psychological and physical benefits.

And so, in recognition of houseplant appreciation day yesterday, we thought we’d highlight some of the ways greenery can have a positive impact on an indoor space.

Reduced stress levels

Research suggests that including natural elements to your space can have a dramatic impact on reducing stress, blood pressure and heart rate — along with boosting creativity and wellbeing. Studies have even proven that house plants can improve concentration and productivity by up to 15%.

Connecting with nature

Ever noticed how, if you’re feeling down, a walk in a local park or stroll through the woodland can help to lift your spirits? Nature is an excellent tool to encourage positive energy and boost your mood – so, whether it’s a home office or a bustling bank of desks, investing in some ‘greenery for scenery’ is a must!

Healing properties

Several businesses – and even hospitals – are choosing to introduce indoor plants – be it living or artificial – to the interior wherever possible. In fact, many healthcare facilities have even invested in outdoor gardens to support their patients’ well-being, with research highlighting that such greenery encourages a speedier recovery in some cases.

Air purifiers

In contrast with our own breathing patterns, plants release oxygen into the atmosphere and absorb the harmful carbon dioxide. This process not only effectively freshens up our air, but also removes any harmful toxins. Research by NASA has shown that houseplants can eliminate up to 87% of air toxin within 24 hours — now that’s impressive!

What houseplants do share your space with? We’d love to see photos of your set up, remember to tag us on LinkedIn.

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