Behind the designs… team building, birthdays, and blogging

Behind the designs… team building, birthdays, and blogging

September marked the month where many of our Reid Brewin Architects colleagues met for the very first time – because of lockdowns finally being eased across Paris and the UK – and a couple of the team headed for the construction industry event of the year, MIPIM.

No matter where you look, there’s plenty going on at HQ – and here is a handful of our highlights.

RBA turns 15

Sometimes it’s important to stop and take a moment to reflect on achievements, learnings, and opportunities – and as RBA turned 15 in September – we’ve been doing just that.

From opening our very first office at rue Réaumur in 2007 and being certified ISO9001/14001 to completing our first data centre (for Global Switch) and a major competition submission for research building in Paris – we’ve been very busy since Alex Reid and Adrian Brewin put their names above the door.

Keep your eyes peeled for a blog celebrating some of our milestone achievements.

A walking tour of the Greenwich Design District

After over 18 months in lockdown, some of our RBA colleagues had never seen each other face-to-face – due to the ban on travel. So, in celebration of RBA’s birthday – and being able to make a trip from Paris to London – a handful of the team enjoyed a grand day out.

We joined a walking tour in the Greenwich Design District, followed by lunch in Café Rouge. Once refuelled, we hit the pavements again, this time for a look around the architecture on show at Canary Warf.

radio microphone - Alex Reid

Alex Reid on the radio… volume two

Finally, our co-founder Alex Reid was back on the airwaves last month – interviewed by Arcadis at MIPIM. He was quizzed for a segment called ‘demystifying the data centre’ and you can listen to it again, here.

We must admit, it being the first time we’ve heard him speak English (rather than French) on a podcast, we enjoyed listening to the Scottish accent coming out – even though he left the country over 40 years ago. You can take the man out of Scotland, Alex…

Books that shaped us - RBA

Sharing our musings…

And finally, it’s been a busy month on the RBA blog, as we took a closer look at the evolution of industrial buildings – giving a nod to creative constructions that we think have truly hit the mark and been given a new lease of life while still maintaining the charm of its original body.

We took a closer look at the notion of ‘designing for needs vs. pleasure’, why data centers are so ‘mission critical’, and shared some our colleagues’ favourite page-turners as part of Read a Book Day.

Keep up to date with life at Reid Brewin Architects, by following us on LinkedIn.

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