At home with the architects… meet John Hutchinson


At home with the architects… meet John Hutchinson

One of the greatest strengths of our pan-European architectural practice, is the diversity within the team. Home to 12 different nationalities, each one of our colleagues brings something to the table – and deserves their moment in the spotlight.

That’s why, this month, we’re getting to know a little bit more about our director, John Hutchinson – as well as what makes him tick.

  1. Summarise your role at Reid Brewin Architects in one paragraph:

I’m John, a director at RBA, and based in London.

  1. How do you think Reid Brewin Architects differentiates itself from its competitors?

With its genuine cross-cultural understanding and presence — alongside a bilingual workforce and multinational bases.

  1. What would you like to achieve over the next 12 months – at Reid Brewin Architects and individually?

To become as broadly skilled as possible — with the main advancement being clairvoyancy!

  1. What three words do you think best describe Reid Brewin Architects?

Responsive, accountable, considerate.

  1. What would you like to see change in the working environment?

Gender equality. Covid-19 has underlined that society still expects women to do their jobs while managing the childcare. This has been brought more acutely into focus over the past year and documented in press, but it is an ongoing issue. I think it’s true when they say women do 75% of the world’s work!

  1. If one of your colleagues could win an award (work or ‘fun’) who would it be and why?

Everyone who worked through the past year — especially those who contracted Coronavirus.  

  1. If you were the boss of Reid Brewin Architects for a day, what one rule would you implement?

No karaoke at the Christmas party.

  1. Share an interesting fact about you that not many people know

When I was very small, I thought a person automatically spoke the language of the country they were born in. I am still slightly traumatised by my father noting someone could be born on a boat, at sea.

  1. It’s the work Christmas party and you’re next up on karaoke – what’s your song?

See my answer to number seven! 

  1. How do you switch off while away from your desk?

I am currently digging a hole at the allotment rivalled only by Fantastic Mr Fox!

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